Phone Skills

Phone Skills

There are a set of phone skill you need to be able to excel your ability to sell over the phone.

I have a ebook coming out that will go in more details about the skill sets you need. But ill go over a few with you in this blog post.

1.before you get on the phone you need to make sure you have the right attitude. You need to be in a positive state and be ready to preform like an actor. Even when you may not be in the mood for it.

2.Get your leads ready or call list and arrange them where you can make 1 call after another without stopping. You want to be able to call another customer right after you hang up the phone and get yourself into a grind. “Tunnel vision calling”

3.Once on the phone with the customer you want to show excitement about why you are calling them and be happy to talk with them. “Excitement sells” Low voice tones and sad conversation will only turn off the customer

4.“Bring your voice up and use voice inflection” this will show your customer you are confident in your sales abilities. Makes the customer trust that they are in the right hands.

5.Stand up and use your hand to talk, this will give you even more confidence as a sales person, by doing this it          will give you a sense of power over your customer.

6.If you have a script that you are following? It is imperative that you follow it word for word.

These are just a few things you can apply to make you better on the phone today!