One key component to being a great sales person is you have to be mentally tough. I mean not letting anything or anyone bring you down. There are always obstacles in the way that will try to detour you from success. But I find the people that are willing to stick it out through the toughest parts of the job will always be the ones that become successful. You see failure is all around us everyday in some sort of another. I believe failure is just a part of our normal human being life cycle. If you ask yourself “Have I ever failed at something?” you will probably answer “Yes”. So now that we have determined that everyone fails now we need to understand how to not fail. This is all about the learning process and some people are better than others. Its called determination and drive the bare essentials for success. You have to be willing to listen to criticism and critique and take it well and understand its not what or how someone says it to you but why are they saying it to you. When you have perseverance there is no room for failure. Success needs to be worked on everyday and be a part of your life in order to have a mental toughness mind set. You must look at giving up, being lazy, and feeling like the world is closing around you as just obstacles that are easily defeated. So the mind set need to be a positive one obviously and you need to persevere through when you want to give up.
What does persevere mean?
per·se·vere. To persist in or remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or discouragement.