love sales interviews

Sales interviews are always fun to do for me. Some people don’t have any sales experience and some people have lots of sales experience and some people think they have some experience. Funny story is that I had this guy come in my office the other day and tell me he had lots of sales experience. So I asked him to tell me about his experience and where he had worked. He said he had worked at an electronics store on the sales floor and also worked at an auto parts store so that’s where he got most of his experience. So I asked him “ so your saying you have been in retail sales?” seems like people have a misconception of what sales really is. Sales to me is selling a customer a product or service with no intention of buying. Working on a sales floor helping customers find what isle their favorite ear phones are located isn’t my idea of sales. Lmao I had another potential sales rep tell me that he 20 years of sales experience and was their top sales person. I asked him why is he looking for another job and he said hes looking for a better opportunity. I asked him what type of close did he have? And he replied “ well I wore slacks and a tie” lol I said no what was your closing techniques? not what clothes you wore. lol /p>